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Equipment Recommendations


You can take your GymnasticStrong workouts just about anywhere, with portable equipment that is versatile and compact.  Functional training involves many body weight resistance exercises, balance tools, and resistance bands that will add difficulty to simple exercises.

Youth Strength and Stability Training: Equipment recommended is small hand weights, a 55 cm physioball (one exercise), sport cord or resistance band.

Competitive and Elite Strength and Conditioning: Equipment recommended is hand weights or kettlebells, sliding disc/furniture movers/ or slideboard, sport cord or resistance band, TRX or Jungle Gym straps (or rings at gym as a substitute for 3 exercises), physioball (optional one exercise)

Core Stability Training: Equipment recommended is sport cord or resistance band, physioball (one exercise), sliding dids/furniture mover/ or slideboard, hand weight or kettlebell.

Dynamic Warmup and Flexibility Training: exercise band (one exercise), 6 inch diameter foam roll, stretch strap/belt

For the appropriate mat equipment, visit cartwheelfactory.com. Yoga mats  may be too thin for exercise. Folding gym mats are thicker and a convenient mat that folds and can fit under most beds.

GymnasticStrong 2013, all rights reserved


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